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Writer's pictureBilly Dennis

From the Pastor…

From the Pastor…

Pastor Billy Dennis

It is time to update our pictorial directory. This month we will be taking photos in the room beside my office after all services and at other prearranged times with our photographer, Sandy Dennis. Please help us by coming by and having your photos made! You will also be asked to fill out a brief directory update form, which will assure that we have all of your current contact information. The finished directory will serve as a wonderful tool to help us all stay in touch with one another, and will serve as a visual reminder of those we should be lifting up in prayer on a daily basis. One exciting result of the new directory will be to serve as a resource to help us get to know each other a little better (but this only works if everyone participates). You will not be asked to purchase any photos, but Sandy will be happy to provide you with digital files of your photos if you would like to have prints!

God is blessing us with new guests in our worship services on a weekly basis. This is wonderful news! However, I am afraid that we are not making the most of every opportunity to engage these guests. I would lovingly offer the following suggestions to help us reach some of these folks for our Lord:

  • Introduce yourself and find out the names of our guests.

  • Refrain from being too personal by “interrogating” our guests.

  • Encourage the guests to fill out a “visitor’s card” (if one is not available in the pew rack, find a card and a pen in another pew rack and pass it along to them).

  • Escort them to the Welcome Center (before or after service) and make sure they get a guest bag and answers to any questions they may have.

  • Invite them to lunch or to meet you back on Sunday evening or Wednesday evening.

  • Give them your phone number and invite them to call you if they would like more information about our church.

  • Ask our guests for their prayer concerns and assure them of your sincere prayers for them.

On a recent Wednesday night, I shared with our folks some relevant information I found in the current Chowan Baptist Association Newsletter. I will repeat it here for those who might have missed it.

A 23 year-old female Christian spent about a year seeking a new church following a geographical move. She attended many different churches. Here are the worst of her experiences – they provide insight to us.

  1. Being surrounded like a shark.

  2. Being told you’re sitting in someone else’s seat.

  3. Insider language.

  4. Having to stand and introduce yourself.

  5. Poor signage.

  6. Being judged.

  7. Being completely ignored.

  8. Money-based sermons.

  9. Being asked to volunteer next week.

  10. Listening to church members “gossip.”

Let us be intentional about properly engaging our guests so they will want to return to RBC!

In Christian Love,

Billy Dennis



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