From the Pastor…

What a busy month October was! It was good to be together doing so many things we have missed in the most recent years. I endured my first bout with Covid and it was no joke! I am so thankful that I only had the recent “mild” version and had been vaccinated. I certainly have much more respect for those who battled this disease in the early months of the US outbreak. We are all still broken- hearted over those who did not survive, and we continue to pray for their families.
Now we are on to the “Month of Gratitude” and the beginning of Advent. It is really hard to believe that we are already here. It seems that this year just started... Yet, here we are! I am very mexcited about the ministry of Roberdel as we conclude another year in the life of the church. Aside from Thanksgiving, we will be hosting the Hospice “Light of Life” memorial service on the 15th. I hope you will come out for this special service and show your support to families in our community who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
November also means that our Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Ministry will be in full swing. Talk to Carmen Hadinger to see how you can get involved. All of our regular monthly ministries will also take place, and we will be holding our annual Roberdel Baptist School Barbecue Fundraiser on the 10th . It will be “all hands on deck” as we will need delivery drivers and many others to help with this church-wide community event. Please speak to Randi Wood if you can help pre-sale ticket or in any other way. Then, “Hanging of the Green” will take place on November 27th at 6:00 pm.
As we near the end of the year, we are getting closer to having plans in hand and seeking funding for construction, remodeling, and the move of the Preschool to the old Roberdel School. Please continue to pray for this ministry, and how God would use each of us to make this a reality. I am excited, as you are, that our community is so supportive of this ministry. We have had a lot of support for many years, and we are going to need to make a commitment to be obedient to God’s call on us to expand our educational ministry to families in our community.
Speaking of commitment, we are struggling to meet our budget for 2022. If you are waiting to make an end of the year gift to the budget, please don’t forget that the ministries of Roberdel continue and just like each of our families, the church is faced with rising costs for everything we do. Your faithfulness is greatly appreciated and much needed! As we budget for next year, we are going to be challenged greatly if we wish to continue our current ministries at their current levels. We know that God will provide so long as we are obediently following His guidance in our stewardship as a church.
Our deacons have elected new officers. Bob Nelson is Chairman. John Starling is Vice-Chairman. Walt Wood is Secretary. Our remaining deacons are Wayne Boling, Franklin Frye, Mitch Hadinger, and Ronald James. You should be hearing from your assigned deacon in the next few weeks. If you do not hear from your deacon this month, please contact the church office or one of the deacon officers. Keep these men in your prayers as they serve.
We have a great deal for which to be thankful. God has been and continues to be very good to us. As our family gathers for Thanksgiving dinner this year, you and your family will be among those things for which we are most thankful!
In Christian Love,
Pastor Billy