From the Pastor…
Happy New Year! As I write this, I am preparing for our Christmas Eve Service tonight and I can’t help but be reminded of how blessed we have been in 2018. There have been some hard times and we have said goodbye to some dear loved ones. However, God has truly blessed us. My family and I would like to thank you for all you did for us this past year. We especially thank you all for your kind words, cards, gifts, fellowship and goodies that you shared during this Christmas season. Most of all, thank you for your generous love and support throughout the year.
As we enter a new year, I am not one to make a lot of resolutions, but I do want to realistically enter 2019 with the knowledge that I can’t do it all. In fact, without Christ, I can do nothing of any eternal consequence! So I would like to challenge you to join me in recommitting ourselves to Christ in 2019. May this be the year we grow closer to Him than ever before. May we also reach out to our community in new ways, so they will know that they are loved and that Christ died to give them eternal life.
You will soon be hearing about a new tool we have chosen to help us do that. There will be a special website and small cards involved… We will be challenged to invite people to our church by giving them one of these cards – which has our church information and the website’s address. For those who do not choose to come to our church, the website will answer many questions they may have about faith and life. The site will also direct them to our church for more information. It is a useful tool which I have found in the past to be very successful when everyone participates by passing out cards and inviting people to church. Look for more information very soon!
One of those exciting, but difficult life transitions is when a child moves far away from the parents. Last summer we gave our daughter’s hand in marriage and saw her move about 2 hours away. Now we are happy for our son who is embarking on a new opportunity in his chosen profession, but this time he is moving almost 11 hours away! Please pray for us all during this transition. I will be away all week the first week of January as I help him get settled in his new community of Syosset, on Long Island, New York.
New beginnings are challenging, but can be very good for us as we grow and learn. I pray that 2019 will be a new beginning for us all as we re-focus on the most important things in life – knowing Christ and making Him known to our community and our world!
In Christian Love,
Billy Dennis