From the Pastor…

Three years ago I was beginning my tenure as your senior pastor. I never imagined we would ever be sitting at home during a world-wide pandemic. Sandy and I are praying for you and your families. This is a shocking and sobering time to be alive! However, some things have not changed at all.
Our God and the Lord Jesus are the same as they always have been and always will be. His love for us does not change. One other fact that we must recognize is that our calling to be the church has not changed!
Even in uncertain times, we are called to be the church. Even when we can’t physically meet together, we are called to be the church. Even when we get cabin fever and are frustrated that we can’t fellowship with one another, we are called to be the church. Even when we can’t physically go out into the highways and byways to compel the lost to come to Jesus, we are called to be the church.
So now we must adapt some of our traditional ways of doing things. Fortunately, Roberdel Baptist Church is well-equipped to handle the technological needs that we are suddenly forced to utilize on a large scale. I am thankful for the forward-thinking leaders who have provided the infrastructure to do what many churches are scrambling to attempt in this chaotic situation. We can continue to observe the laws of the land by “social distancing”, yet provide Sunday School and other meetings, and a meaningful worship experience via the Internet.
Thank you to everyone who has embraced this challenge and continues to be an active part of our church family. Until the day when we can gather together in person (which I pray is sooner rather than later), we will attempt to facilitate a sense of normalcy for God’s people at RBC. In the meantime, our ministries will continue – however, in new and creative ways.
You are invited to “like” our Facebook page in order to receive updates. We have also established a private group on the page in order to share prayer concerns and enable discussion that is kept only between those who are a part of the group. In addition, we now have groups for each Sunday School class. Most of the classes are already holding virtual meetings in one format or another. It is truly exciting to see this take place!
We will continue to live stream our 11:00 am Sunday services on our Facebook page and at for as long as it is possible. This means that only a few dedicated folks can actually be in the sanctuary (right now 10, or less). However, if you would like to share a song or testimony there are a couple of ways we can utilize your gifts. You can contact me to schedule a Sunday morning appearance live in the sanctuary or from your computer at your home, or you can record a video and our wonderful tech crew can broadcast it as part of a service.
We are approaching the most holy week of the year and the reason we exist as a church. I am saddened that we will not be able to physically gather together this Easter. But please note that Easter is NOT cancelled! Nothing can keep our Savior in the tomb. We just have to change our methods and embrace this season as a time to devote ourselves more to knowing and serving Christ.
I encourage you to spend more time in prayer and Bible study while you are home. It is no accident that the normal distractions of life are currently on hold. If you must leave home, please practice every precaution to keep yourself and those you may encounter well. Also, look for ways that God is working. He is present in this storm. Share Him with others. Continue to be His hands and feet – even at a distance! Continue to tithe and serve obediently. And of course, pray for our world’s leaders, the sick, and those professionals who are battling this pandemic on the front lines every day. Much of our daily office work is being done by the staff from our homes. However, if you have a need, please contact one of us or one of our deacons.
One example of how we are keeping the message while changing the method has to do with our annual Law Enforcement Breakfast. Although we can’t host a gathering at our church, we have arranged for our local officers to drive thru Bojangles’ during a specific window of time to receive their breakfast on us. We are extremely thankful to the good folks at Bojangles’ for their assistance in making this happen at a greatly reduced cost! If you have the opportunity to thank any of our officers, please do so, and let them know that we care about them and are praying for their safety.
Yes, our circumstances have changed drastically in these three years – even in the last three weeks! But none of this has caught our God by surprise. He is still on the throne. He is still the reason we have hope. He is still calling us to BE the church!
In Christian Love,
Pastor Billy